• Servicios

    Ofrecemos servicios de consultoría, asesoría y supervisión en todas las etapas de diseño, ejecución y operación de proyectos de ingeniería.

  • Experiencia

    Presente durante 70 años como Constructores destacados en destacados proyectos de infraestructura en Colombia.

  • Services

    Asesoramiento y liderazgo en todas las etapas de un Proyecto de Construcción: estructuración, diseño, puesta en marcha plan de trabajo, cimentación, Pilotaje, construcción obra Civil, supervisión, acabados, urbanismos, puesta en marcha y entregas.

PLANIFICACIÓN de Proyectosdesde la concepción de la Idea

Tenemos experiencia en diseño, planificación y puesta en marcha de proyectos desde su etapa de concepción.

DISEÑO durantemúltiples fases del Proyecto

Servicios de consultoría en las etapas de prefactibilidad y factibilidad, preparación de documentos de construcción y diseño detallado.

AMBIENTAL: Estudio, evaluaciones y licencias

Capacidad y experiencia en preparación de evaluaciones ambientales de alternativas de proyectos y estudios de impacto ambiental para proyectos de infraestructura en las diferentes etapas de desarrollo. Concretamente hacemos: análisis de riesgo ambiental, identificación y evaluación de impactos ambientales, planes de manejo, mitigación y compensación, formulación de estrategias de monitoreo y seguimiento, planificación y ejecución de estrategias.

PRESUPUESTOS Y OFERTAS: valoración y estructuración de ofertas de Construcción

Servicios de ingeniería para la preparación de documentos de licitación, especificaciones y planos técnicos e información de referencia; Concretamente prestamos asistencia durante el proceso de elaboración de ofertas de proyectos de construcción de infraestructura y proyectos inmobiliarios con presupuesto, programación.

Monitoring and rehabilitation of structures

Consulting services for regional and rural development and ordainment plans, river basin protection and management plans, community participation, relations and communication plans during design, construction and operation phases of capital investment and infrastructure projects. Implementation of statistical models specific to hydrobiological studies, air quality and water quality in lakes, rivers and reservoirs. Sampling and analysis of air and noise, water quality, vegetation, fauna and soils. Environmental consulting services including supervision, control, follow-up and auditing during the implementation phase of environmental management plans.

Technical, administrative, and financial supervision

Technical, administrative, and financial monitoring and supervision of contractual obligations between the owner and a third party/contractor; for the construction, supply, manufacture and assembly of equipment.Supervision, monitoring and auditing of health, safety and environment management plan execution.

Manufacturing inspection, testing, start-up and commissioning

Review and approval of manufacturing drawings, manufacturer detailed designs, materials lists, verification of certifications and contractor qualifications manufacturing programs and inspection, testing procedures, partial and total assembly inspections and installations. Review of start-up and testing plans. Inspection of civil works and equipment manufacture and fabrication to ensure proper installation, start-up and commissioning.

Project management

Management and owners representation services for engineering projects during design and construction phases. Project planning, scheduling, and budget control and monitoring, inspections, contract administration and contractor management, among others are services the Company provides to ensure projects are completed within established timeframes and budgets. INGETEC’s experience provides understanding of potential problems that can arise during the execution of complex and challenging capital investment projects, allowing implementation of corrective measures early on minimizing risks associated with time and budget overruns.

Economic and financial studies

Preparation of budgets for civil works, electromechanical equipment, engineering and administration costs, and project costs; investment cash flows based on project execution schedules and determination of the return of investment of the project for economical and financial analysis that assist in the selection of project alternatives and to determine project financial feasibility.

Risk evaluation and risk management

Qualitative and quantitative evaluation and risk assessment. Systematic and integrated risk management that enables early detection of potential problems and allow for implementation of management and mitigation plans to diminish the possibility of negative impact on projects during design, construction and operation.

Contractual administration

Assistance in the technical, administrative and financial aspects of contracts in projects presenting controversies between the client/owner of the project and a third party/contractor and which require resorting to superior instances, such as Conciliation and Arbitration Courts.

Services during construction

Support to the client during the construction phase of projects. Adjustment and modification of design and construction plans and specifications needed for adjustments needed to accommodate site and construction conditions, equipment manufacture and installation, among others.

Environmental services, sampling and auditing

Support to the client during the construction phase of projects. Adjustment and modification of design and construction plans and specifications needed for adjustments needed to accommodate site and construction conditions, equipment manufacture and installation, among others.

Geotechnical field studies and laboratory, and pavement management

The company has specialized equipment to perform geotechnical investigations including a drilling equipment and provides comprehensive geotechnical laboratory and field testing services of soil, rock, asphalt, concrete and other materials. INGETEC determines the physical and mechanical properties of materials for site characterization, geotechnical design, quality control and performance assessment purposes. In addition, INGETEC owns hydraulic fracturing and overcoring equipment to characterize rock masses. INGETEC also has the equipment require to performance pavement condition survey and rating procedure applicable for pavement management, including a falling weight deflectometer to perform tests on road and airport pavements, an electronic roughness meter and an automatic video system for pavement conditioning survey. GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATIONS